
cheap beats by dre y south not distance

Chapter 937 returns to city
"How?Come to have no?Come to have no?"At city south not distance, Gao Xiu anxiously looks beyond a direction inside the city, but is have never seen half's personal shadow comes out from the city gate, just inside the city of shouting and killing voice but is to more and more ring, the light of fire in the city shines upon a night sky, just like the daytime!
"Gao major general soldier!Don't be too worried!Gao general so many disturbanceses all once experienced before, will be definitely god protects good men as well this time!"Guo Huai in the one side sees Gao Xiu worried kind, is also hurriedly advised Wei to get up.
"E!"Listen to advising of Guo Huai Wei, the facial expression for fixing Gao just a little like some, but still cannot helped but to walk around at first, led a short moment, didn't see a Gao agreeable shadow, and then started to be anxious getting up, turned a body to would be to walk to the in front of enjoying the 綝 , asks way towards enjoying 綝 :"Eldest brother!You say a father meeting can't drive enemy to block?Want to be not, let's go into the city again to help father's a helping hand!"
If changing to make is another of what matter, happy 綝 affirmation will directly veto to fix Gao of the Sou idea!But affair pass arrived to follow Gao of life and death, always calm down of happy the 綝 also was to hesitate, even had some to move.See such, Guo Huai and Hao Zhao signed a horse to would be to block 2 people and persuaded, the Hao Zhao quickly said:"Gao major general soldier!Happy general!Should never attempt to!We are very not easy from the city in times before inside withdraw, at present if go into the city again, that not is equal to bit the hook?"
The truth said by Hao Zhao happy the 綝 in the mind all understand, but problem is this time fall into crisis, is have the feeling of loving care from childhood, guidance to oneself of Gao Shun!The heart that enjoys 綝 now early has already become indiscriminately numb, plus a flank again already fix Gao is keeping persuading, happy 綝 after is also cold in the eye only one Shan, sink a voice to drink a way:"Good!We walk!Must give° the uncle extrication!"
"Too good!"See joy 綝 agree, Gao Xiu was happy to almost didn't spring up, sign a horse and then led long to come to two war horses from the flank, one handed over to happy 綝 , while oneself is neatly to turn over a body on another war horse and lift long the gun prepare a dynasty long the Yuan city rush through.However Gao Xiu also not silly, face before walking also not forget the Xu Yi Deng person to one side to shout a way:"Can you wish to kill into city with me together?"
And Guo Huai and Hao Zhao also is to be getting more hasty, haven't waited to allow persons like instrument,etc to answer, their 2 people is to directly block at happy 綝 and fix Gao of before the horse, held up a war horse with own body, Guo Huai loudly shouts a way:"Gao major general soldier!Can not excite!"
"Hum!You say easily!Surround in the city of isn't your father again!"Gao Xiu Jian to Guo Huai repeatedly the ground obstruct himself/herself, was also a fire, stared big eyes dead stare at Guo Huai and grow in the hand once the gun lift and drink a way:"Guo Huai!Know to mutually and soon and soon step aside!Otherwise, I recognize you, my long gun doesn't recognize you!"
"Oh!All not the strategic area move!Gao major general soldier!Let go of the gun!"See Gao Xiu unexpectedly and really need to fight with weapons to fight with weapons, allowed persons like instrument,etc is also sign right away ex- block at fix Gao of front, persuade to fix Gao respectively and Guo Huai, no matter how it is, say, everyone is the same as west Qin war will, even if is have again big of rift, this fights with weapons to fight with weapons have a little too!
"Is noisy what noisy!"Is suddenly a to suddenly and violently drink a voice to ring out, then will quarrel all of a sudden many medium will all live for town, the owner twists a head to hope to go, sees old to hire one text to face angry countenance the ground walked to come over, eyes quick glance, drink a way:"How?Is high small!Grew ability now is be not?Dare to fight with weapons to fight with weapons in front of me?Still don't lay by gun for me!"
"E!"Listen to the text hire so on saying, although the heart is unwilling,Gao Xiu still a honesty give°ed the long gun to accept, after all the text hires that is and Gao Shun Yi status of a generation of old will, Gao Xiu doesn't dare to hire to wanton to the text.However after laying up a long gun, Gao Xiu still keeps cannot helping but to hire to shout a way to the text:"Text general!My father is involved in inside the city now, asks general to issue order and lets us goes into the city to rescue my father!"
"Shut up!"The text hired to ruthlessly stare a highly critical to fix and sank a voice to drink a way:"Now here I said calculate!Before I didn't issue order, you are a two rabbit Zais, who all prohibit to move!Disobey order, the military law handles!"
The text hires that to early follow behind the wars of Luo's sun will, in prestige in the soldier although can not win against those people of Zhao Yun, the town lives this to help a young war will is have no the least bit problem!Be hired so on roaring by the text, include fix Gao at inside, who all didn't dare to move indiscriminately, all of a s honestly looking at a text to hire.But the text hire then and turned head to see an eye not the long Yuan city of distance and deeply absorbed tone, one face determination the ground drink a way:"The whole army obeys orders!Dynasty long the Yuan city enter hair!We absolutely not the ability throw down so Gao general and break enemy ranks the brotherses of camp!"
"Text general!"See text hire to unexpectedly also say so, Guo Huai and Hao Zhao immediately Be getting more hasty, Guo Huai signs a horse be advise a way:"Text general!The enemy in the city more than us is getting tooer many now!Now if return to again inside the city, that not is send sheep into the dangerous spot?"
"Naturally!My idea already definitely!"Text's hiring to open hand is a war horse that once led long nearby close soldier's deliver, one turns over a horse of body and sinks a voice to drink a way:"My text hired ever since that time Jing state to follow behind a lord Mr., have never thrown down own brothers!Gao general and break enemy ranks the brothers of camp now in the city, do I how could see dead not to save but flee for life alone?Is west Qin Jun's general, if even the courages of reinforcement companion all have no, from now on again how can make the companion rest assured will carry on the back to hand over to you behind?The whole army sets out!"
"Re!"More than 10,000 Yus of only remaining state soldier officers and men together the voice bawl at, would being row to like appearance very much, and allowing instrument etc. will be a last horse in succession and wait for in the text and hire after death, and it is a full face to gratefully looking at a text to hire to enjoy 綝 and Gao Xiu.Seeing the idea that the text hires has been already settled, Guo Huai and Hao Zhao the full face helplessly see one eye mutually, but is also return to body to turn over up ownly sit to ride, arrive at a text to hire after death.Although just they different idea joy 綝 and fix Gao of decision, but didn't mean their 2 is a timidity afraid of death of person, since have already decided to return to city to put together to kill, they are also unwilling person empress.
The action that sees their 2 people, the text hires of peeped out in the eye few endorse of vision, ordered to nod, immediately would be to raise broad sword, toward 1 in the front, drank 1, woulded be to take the lead ground to hurtle to pass by toward the long Yuan city.And after death many will be also taking Yu state the soldier close on the heels of afterward, the officers and mens a sweep before and in flurry escape of decadent, the morale upsurge ground rushed at long Yuan city!
But at the moment, the city in the long Yuan city south, a pair will be leading 5,000 troops and horseses to just occupy the city head of the south of city.Will see in this pair, this long Yuan city drive Chu soldier to capture come, pair will how much is also some relax, directly would be the subordinate of towarding oneself to drink a way:"Give° here to clean up for a while, need a meeting three generals came and all put for me a little bit clever!Otherwise, the horsewhip of three generals you but want to taste?"Zhang Fei although it is said the peacetime pour to the officers and mens also quite good, but have a habit, that is definitely to will impose whip Xing to the officers and men for making mistake!And piece the whip for flying that is again malicious and then the poison was taken out by the horsewhip, even if is deathless, that also wants to throw away an along while life!To this, Chu the soldier officers and mens all have a lingering fear and listen to pair will of words, all of those officers and mens are the works that adds to settle to manage city gate, who don't want to get that whip as well!
See own intimidation rise a function, pair will that is also satisfied location nod, the Zong horse woulds be to walk toward the city gate.Obviously began before west Qin Jun leaves, those two front doors early had already been broken not presentable, basically use a lot!See these two front doors for damaging, pair will unbearable dark scolded 1:"Qin Gou damning!"Finish saying, the pair will would be to cut across city gate and go toward the degree outside the city.
The city outside just experienced a terrific fight, neighborhood in the doorway was all corpse everywhere, that bloody flavor let the pair will be some to knit the brows.Lower the head very careful inspect in the corpse heap, there is west in these corpses Qin Jun of, there is also Chu the soldier of, perhaps can also therein find out the person of oneself's understanding.
"Step!" When the pair will lower the head to check to seek, the suddenly a burst of clop spread to come over, pair won't from get one Leng, the subconscious ground raises head.Can be a pair to just raise head this, see on riding suddenly to hurtle out from the cope of night, one handle the dazzlingly clear broad sword is to chop down own noodles door!Haven't waited pair to come over reaction, that broad sword is to ruthlessly fall at pair will of forehead up,cheap beats by dre, immediately be pair will of head to pared a half!Had no half the pair of the head will be natural is to can not live, the body feebly kneels down, the empress is to fall down dead on the spot!
A knife solved that will of the text hire to pour is had never wanted to just die under the oneself's knife of is what person, on jilting the blood Zi of knife, saw one at present square, take Chu's soldier in the city hadn't come yet and before constituting defense line, directly woulded be Zong horse toward the city gate kill pass by!A horse hurtled into arch hole, the broad sword in hand continued to flick and cut the enemy of front to kill one by one!Don't see text's hiring age be not young either, but the whole body effort is to don't throw down, how those Chu's soldiers are is the opponent that the text hires, die a tragic death under the knife that text hires in succession!
At this time, those finally is also to discover the action of city gate, saw at the non-commissioned officer soldier of Chu of reason city gate the text hiring to greatly open rule against killing over there, all being to bawl at, rushing through to come over toward the this place at the same time!The horse of 5,000 people those aren't the fraction eyes, even if the text hires how again get, also is not likely to resist these 5,000 enemies by one person's dint!
However luckily text's hiring a this place is much more than also his a person!Over there 5,000 Chu the soldier officers and men want to kill a text and hire the time of the in front, from the text hire after death again is flee two dark shadows, directly would was to face a non-commissioned officer soldier of Chu and hurtle in the past, the weapon in the hand continued to flick and killed those non-commissioned officer soldiers of Chu the Ao Ao called!These 2 people aren't other people, exactly a happy 綝 and Gao Xiu!
The text hires to issue order this time city once, that for rescuing Gao Shun, is the niece that follows Gao, enjoy 綝 and Gao Xiu the nature Be getting more aggressive.And kill along with the joy 綝 and Gao Xiu Di, allowed persons like instrument,etc be also taking Yu state soldier to hurtle into inside the city!5,000 Chu although the soldier is many, compared with the Yu state of about ten thousand remainings soldier, and Xu Yi waits one stem the superior stay in and turn an eye to would be be killed defeat but escape!West Qin Jun finally and again captured city south!
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